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Surface physics

Nanovea (USA) manufactures equipment for measurement of physical and mechanical characteristics of materials, including their surfaces and for detailed study of coatings, films, extremely hard and brittle materials, etc.

In 1992, the company’s specialists presented the first solutions for studying the surface of materials, thin films, and coatings. As a result of cooperation with the National Science Foundation of the United States (NSF) and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM International), the company released instruments for these types of tasks.

The equipment manufactured by the company for studying the surface under the conditions of a mechanical contact with the indenter (counterbody) can be divided into 4 categories:

  • Nano hardness testers and scratch testers (adhesion testers) are devices for studying thin and thick coatings and materials in the nano and micro/macro range by methods of instrumental (measurement) indentation;
    Tribometers and visualization modules — profilometers. All equipment is provided with specialized software.
  • Tribometers are devices for studying the behavior of materials and coatings under surface friction and sliding, depending on time, speed, pressure, temperature and humidity, as well as the use and type of lubricant;
  • Profilometers and atomic-force microscopes (nanoscans) are devices for studying the surface profile and roughness and constructing a 3D surface model.
  • Accessories.

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